I've never quite understood the hoopla over the KJV of the bible. Or at least why so many insist that it is the only translation which should be taken as God's word. Let me be clear that I have nothing against the KJV. I think it's a good translation...I just don't think it's the only good translation. Granted, there are many out there that play pretty fast and loose with the original manuscripts, but I would venture that on the whole, the major translations currently available are reliable. At least in the sense that they do not change the message. The question for me is...can any English translation be 100% accurate according to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts? It seems to me, considering the precise nature of the Greek language, and the fact that in the English language many words can have the same meaning, and one word can have different meanings, that translating Greek into English without losing some precision would be a daunting task to say the least. Add to that the fact that the English language itself is currently undergoing a major upheaval and it only adds to the difficulty. I don't like every new version that hits the bookshelves, but I personally own copies of the KJV, NASB, NIV, and ESV. I've found it helpful to compare passages side by side, and make use of easy to use tools such as Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament words. At the end of the day, I think the problem isn't so much which translation is used as much as it is how God's word is handled by those who proclaim it. In many pulpits today, the Bible is rarely even opened...or if it is, it's to prop up the preacher's own presuppositions on whatever topic or theme he may be speaking to. Real expository preaching, and verse by verse exposition sadly has become the rarity and not the norm. Feel free to chime in with your own thoughts.
Monday, December 24, 2007
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Anyone interested can find out more at: www.genevabible.com
I use mine daily and highly recommend it as a companion study bible.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for the history of the Geneva Bible. I once told a fellow about the 1611 KJV being commissioned out of fear of the Geneva Bible, but those who insist the KJV is the only reliable translation simply will not believe that anything other than the KJV has any value, in spite of the fact the Geneva was the first Bible brought to this country.
Forgot to mention that there is a section in the back of the Geneva Bible which contains "prayers to be used in private houses everywhere". One in particular that may really bless you (and I am asssuming that based on the prayer you wrote in your "Reformation Day" Post). It is entitled, "A prayer for the whole estate of Christ's Church". Here is an excerpt:
We pray not only for ourselves here present, but beseech thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignorant from the miserable captivity of blindness and eroor, to the pure understanding and knowledge of thy truth, that we all with one accord and unity of mind may worship thee our only God and Savior. And that all Pastors, Shepherds, and Ministers, to whom thou hast committed the dispensation of they holy word, and charge of thy chosen people, may both in their life and doctrine be found faithful, setting before their eyes they glory, and that by them all poor sheep which wander and go astray, may be gathered and brought home to the fold."
Grace and peace to you and Happy New Year.
Just chimming in again to share the Link to Jonathan Edwards Resolutions..
Very different than "losing ten pounds" or "joining a health spa".
Thank you for posting the excerpt from that prayer...certainly a departure from the "bless me", "I need a job", "heal me", etc types of prayers...not that we shouldn't take those concerns to the throne of grace, but as the Word says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...."
Just thought I'd let you know that I started my own Blog today.
Hope you will drop in from time to time. I am certain to benefit from your insight.
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