Thursday, January 03, 2008

Mohler for SBC president

It's been reported that a Texas pastor plans to nominate Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Personally I've wondered when someone would nominate Dr. Mohler for the position, and this is welcome news, as I'm sure it is for many within the denomination. I've had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Mohler preach and have followed his blog and commentaries for some time. He speaks very articulately to the culture of our day, and is just as articulate and able a theologian. He is well-respected across theological and denominational lines, and would serve well as a Southern Baptist statesman. Dr. Mohler's commitment to Biblical orthodoxy and the spread of the gospel is well-known in Southern Baptist circles and beyond. Whether he will accept the nomination is yet to be known, but to this point I have no knowledge of a public statement saying he intends to decline if nominated. Keep the SBC and Dr. Mohler in prayer. These are critical times for the SBC and evangelicalism at large. You can read the article about the nomination here.


Anonymous said...


Couldn't agree more with your assessment of Dr. Mohler. Things are heating up at:

If you haven't already checked it out...

Blessing to You

allofgrace said...

I'm sure the temperature will continue to rise exponentially as the time for that nomination grows closer.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrees said:

“When Southern Seminary seemed to be lost to liberalism and irrelevancy, Dr. Mohler put his life and ministry on the line for the truth of God’s word and the urgency of sharing Christ with a lost world,” Jeffress said. “Since that time, he has led Southern Seminary to be a boot camp for young men and women training to take the gospel to the nations—whatever the cost.”

Mohler’s experience as a spokesman for Southern Baptists in the public square is another reason he should be president of the SBC, Jeffress added, noting the seminary president has been recognized by influential publications such as Time and Christianity Today, with Time calling him the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S.”

“For years, Southern Baptists and other Christians have seen Dr. Mohler stand for biblical revelation on programs such as “Larry King Live,” Jeffress said. “And, each and every time, no matter what the issue, Dr. Mohler has been a strong witness, telling lost people how they can come to know Christ. That kind of truth-telling with gospel compassion is the kind of leadership we need in these tumultuous times,” Jeffress added.

Although I would love to see this happen and have been praying in the direction for quite sometime....God will get the Glory, on way or the other. Thank the Lord for His soveriegnty!

allofgrace said...

Yes it's true, God will get glory in all things regardless of what man may do. Thanks for your input, D.

Anonymous said...

Greetings AOG,

My sense is that Mohler's desire would be to stay at the Seminary. Based on the little I know about him, I think that his role there is very satisfying and his gifts are being greatly used by God. However, I also believe that, should he truly feel that God is calling him to this new post, he will accept the nomination (whether he wants to or not) and make whatever sacrifices necessary. It will be interesting to see how God works in all of this. What's the time frame here? When will we know if he accepts?

Blessings - G2tk

Visit my blog whenever you like.

allofgrace said...

There's no reason Dr. Mohler couldn't stay as president of the seminary, and also lead the SBC. It's been done before.

Anonymous said...

AOG - I was not aware of that...Thanks. I know very little about the SBC. Obviously, a lot can happen between now and June should he accept the nomination.

Boy, it's an "ugly" world out there in the blogospere. Won't be needing to do much more of that. It's amazing how quickly conversation turns to someone's personal "hobby horse". I'll sit this one out and pray.

Well, life goes back to normal for me on Monday (been on vacation for the Holidays). I'll check back in on occassion. Take Care.

Blessings to You - G2tK

Anonymous said...


I decided to take your advice and give this “cyberworld” another try. Since you are a seasoned traveler, I was hoping that you would be willing to point me in the right direction and recommend some blogs that I might enjoy. I have re-established my profile and created two blogs; an online journal of random thoughts; and one I can use to vent my concerns regarding “Christendom”. I do feel like a “fish out of water” and would welcome any advice and/or guidance. Just learning as I go……and have an awful lot to learn!

Blessings to You,

allofgrace said...

Well I was going to visit your blogs, but I see you've hidden your profile, so I don't guess I can.

WatchingHISstory said...

Visit my blog, thanks


Dianna Wood said...

Just checking in. It's been 3 months since you have posted and I was concerned. No need to respond. Just wanted you to know that the Lord placed you on my heart and I continue to pray for you.

Hope the fact that you have been absent from the blogosphere is because the Lord has blessed you with more meaningful endeavors.

Your Friend,
D.L. Kane