Thursday, January 03, 2008

Mohler for SBC president

It's been reported that a Texas pastor plans to nominate Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Personally I've wondered when someone would nominate Dr. Mohler for the position, and this is welcome news, as I'm sure it is for many within the denomination. I've had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Mohler preach and have followed his blog and commentaries for some time. He speaks very articulately to the culture of our day, and is just as articulate and able a theologian. He is well-respected across theological and denominational lines, and would serve well as a Southern Baptist statesman. Dr. Mohler's commitment to Biblical orthodoxy and the spread of the gospel is well-known in Southern Baptist circles and beyond. Whether he will accept the nomination is yet to be known, but to this point I have no knowledge of a public statement saying he intends to decline if nominated. Keep the SBC and Dr. Mohler in prayer. These are critical times for the SBC and evangelicalism at large. You can read the article about the nomination here.