Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Poll is Closing

Ok Folks, the poll, "Is the SBC in doctrinal decline?", will close at 10 p.m. Central Time this evening. Last chance to put your $0.02 worth in. If you haven't voted, please do.

For those who are lurkers out there and don't feel comfortable posting comments, please take a minute to sign the Guestbook...you can leave a screen/blogger name if you like, but at least let me know if the site is a help, blessing, hindrance, nuisance, etc. Let me know if there are subjects you'd like to see discussed. Blessings to all who read.


WatchingHISstory said...

I tried to send to your e-mail but it would not work.
So I am off topic here but was interestred on your thoughts about Men's fraternity, The Quest for Authentic Manhood. Originally I was excited about it but am now having questions. What are your thoughts?

allofgrace said...

Clicking on the email link will only work if you have Outlook or Outlook Express I think. Here's the address for future reference: sbblogmdratr@yahoo.com

I don't know of the book? or study? that you're speaking of..give me a little more info on it and I'll see if I can ask around about it.