Ok Folks, the poll, "Is the SBC in doctrinal decline?", will close at 10 p.m. Central Time this evening. Last chance to put your $0.02 worth in. If you haven't voted, please do.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Poll is Closing
Posted by
2/20/2007 07:32:00 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
What is the gospel? Part 2
In keeping with Part 1 of this thread, and with much thanks to "amos" for locating it, I would like to share another of Bro. Jake's writings. In the context of "what is the gospel?", the right preaching of it is of as equal and eternal importance as knowing the content. Consider Bro. Jake's observations:
Look yonder at that man in the pulpit. He is not comely, not much a sight to behold. His suit is not well pressed nor his shoes well shined. His hair as well as his skinned is weathered after years of toiling as to provide for his family. Shake his hand and you wonder if it is lined with sandpaper. If in an affectionate moment he were to share an embrace, you might be left with the impression that you embraced a pole of iron.
His grammar is not always correct. He would be the first to tell you that he is no expert in the Greek and Hebrew languages, though his knowledge of both exceeds that of most of those trained in the seminaries. His voice is booming, but he never shouts. His accent is pronounced, but his words are never garbled. Listen but for a moment, and even the fool recognizes the passion in his voice. Listen for a while, and you realize that wisdom has come to rest in the breast of this man. The Sovereignty of God and the exaltation of Christ are the clear template and subject of every sermon he preaches, yet you will never hear the same sermon twice. He has more knowledge concerning Soteriology and Eschatology than any man that I know, yet has the ability to teach so that the simple-minded can grasp that which beforehand seemed out of reach. To many who are blessed to call him preacher, the most painful part of his preaching is the conclusion, for you hope that he will preach for just a few minutes more. You'll never see him stand at the front of a church pleading for people to come forward and ‘give’ their heart to Jesus. The preaching of the gospel is the invitation to the souls of men, and this preacher has the patience to wait upon the LORD to do the work that He must do to save a sinner.
He could have long ago moved on to greener pastures and to a more ‘thriving area’. Yet for two decades he has tended the ‘little flock’ that GOD has entrusted to him. While we could have always have given him more(and we have tried), he has always pointed out the fact that GOD has always blessed him; Oh he isn't so prideful that he is beyond receiving help when he needs it, but he would much rather help someone else. Our offerings have always been a private matter, but in a church as small as ours, it is really no secret that preacher gives more to the missionary that we support than we give him.
He has never been heavy handed, but has always been stern. He has never been outspoken, but has always chosen his words wisely. Arrogance breeds more of the same, humility chases it away. True leaders don't have to ask men to follow. It is amazing how quickly men will yield to honesty. When problems arise, our pastor has never asked us ‘What do you think we should do?’ He calmly says, ‘What saith the scriptures?’ To date, the scripture has brought us to every solution.
He has never preached to large audiences or ‘packed’ houses. No convention or denomination has ever recognized his achievements or lauded him with praises. He is not a household name and he doesn't get invited to be the guest speaker at conferences and seminars. The parish preachers look down their noses at him, and some have gossiped fiercely about him being a ‘hard shell Calvinist.’ He has never responded in anger or argued with any and has lived his life amongst all in this community in a quiet, peaceful, Christ-like manner.
Look yonder in the pulpit. For the man you see on the LORD’s day, rightfully dividing the word of truth, will display the same countenance and character tomorrow morning and the next day. The humility displayed, that is not feigned. The love that he radiates, that is no counterfeit. He has taught me as much about being Christ-like on Monday as he has on Sunday. I pray daily that the LORD would conform me to the image of His dear son. And I also ask that he would let me be like my preacher.
Posted by
2/16/2007 11:50:00 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Here's your chance.....
The final tally is in on the poll question, "Is the SBC in Doctrinal Decline?": 25 votes total; "Yes, definitely" 17 votes or 68%; "Perhaps" 3 votes or 12%; "Somewhat" 2 votes or 8%; "No not at all" 2 votes or 8%; "Probably, but the worship bands are still pretty cool" 1 vote or 4%. The small turnout was possibly due to voter apathy ;)
Posted by
2/09/2007 06:27:00 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
What is the gospel?
In these times that would certainly be the question of the hour. What IS the gospel? Much of what passes as a gospel message these days more closely resembles psycho-therapy, or a children's fairy tale than the glorious gospel of grace revealed in the Scriptures. Rather than go into a long diatribe concerning this subject, I will let the words of a friend who now stands in the presence of Truth himself speak. I was honored to have this piece of writing shared with me by this dear brother and friend. Take time to reflect on his words....
From our first breath, we are wrapped up in iniquity. Nay, let us go further as always to the scripture; from our conception we are bound hand and foot to sin. Over the course of our life we will find it to be so. All of Adam’s race are sinners by nature and by choice. Look over the circle of this earth and you will find some more apt and willing to partake in evil deeds, some that have equal propensity and willingness yet are more constrained, and some that seem to have quite the mastery over their flesh. Yet underneath, they are all equally totally depraved.
Of these, it can be said, they are dead in trespasses and sin, they drink iniquity like water, they do not seek, understand, or love GOD; they are alienated from GOD by the darkness of their hearts and the ignorance of their minds; they are completely blind and deaf to spiritual things (the things of GOD); in them, there dwells no good (righteousness of their own) thing; and they are covered with putrefying wounds from head to toe.
Yet, ever so often, out of the Sovereign love and grace and goodness of GOD, because it alone has pleased Him to do so, because He has done all things after the counsel of His own will, and He has done all things well, He chooses to send forth the wind of His sovereign Spirit to blow into the dark recesses of the soul of one of these wretches whereby, they cry out, ABBA, FATHER.
The spiritually ignorant wretch who had no knowledge of GOD in his heart has his understanding opened whereby he sees a thrice holy GOD glaring at his naked sinful soul. For the first time, he sees himself as GOD has always seen him and fear melts him to the core of his being. He feels that he might die as Holiness gazes at his filthiness laid bare. He trembles as he waits for the mighty hand of judgement at once to come crashing down to destroy him. But he who has been brought to the place of mercy has found it.
And Lo, the hand that he thinks may crush shows him HE who is FAIREST AMONG TEN THOUSAND; THE ROSE OF SHARON now captures his gaze and He is altogether lovely. He weeps as he sees it was this LAMB who was wounded for his transgressions and bruised for his iniquities. Every stripe that he deserved this LAMB bore for him, and he can see that every sinful wound has been healed by Him. Every righteous demand of the law this LAMB lived, for him. He once despised even the mention of this Christ, now his heart can't begin to contain the love that he now has for him.
And what of this one whose understanding has been opened, whose affections have been turned Christ-ward? Is this just some mystical journey that they LORD has brought him on, all for nought? No indeed, for now, the unwilling has been made willing. Willing to walk some silly church aisle? Willing to sign some card? Willing to go through some 4 week new convert course? Heaven forbid! The soul that the LORD has truly saved is now willing to confess with his mouth what the LORD has done to his heart. HE HAS SAVED MY SOUL! Join a REAL new testament church...YES! Follow in the LORD’s baptism...YES! But above all, begin to live like a soul set free. Begin to tell the world around you about the SOVEREIGN, SAVING, GRACE OF GOD!!! BEGIN TO LIVE LIKE THE NEW CREATION THAT YOU ARE IN CHRIST!!!
Let me leave you with a few thoughts and a couple of questions.
-Dead sinners have to be brought to life sovereignly by GOD
-When GOD does this, He does this when He chooses and to whom He chooses
-No matter how hard you try, you can’t make Him save anyone!
-Did GOD save you in the way or in a way described above?
-If you didn't get saved in the way described above or in a similar way, then who saved you or just how did you get saved? “
Bro. Shadrack Jackson Daigrepont (Jake)
Posted by
2/08/2007 10:45:00 PM